
Joining robotics competitions is a cool way to learn stuff and get some awesome benefits. So, guess what? We've got a cool list for you – the best robotics competitions for kids ! We compiled this list after conducting extensive research to identify competitions that not only stand out but also provide ample opportunities for kids to showcase their talents and shine.

Each competition in this list is a chance for you to try new things, learn cool stuff, and show everyone how awesome you are. Let's dive into this list of robotics competitions for kids.

Robotics competitions for kids

Top 5 robotics competitions for kids

Here are the best robotics competitions for kids -

1. FIRST: Robotics Competition - FIRST Robotics Competition is an international high school robotics competition often described as "the hardest fun you will ever have." Over six weeks, teams design, build, and program robots using limited resources. It's a thrilling experience where students compete against other teams to showcase their skills and innovation.

Criteria Details
Participants Teams of high school students (grades 9–12)
Registration Registrations are open from January to April
Location Regional and state competitions are held globally.
Prize Participants have the opportunity to win access to scholarships totaling over $50 million.
Website Visit for more details.
Cost Costs vary by event type, team category, and region. Click here to learn more about fees.

2. Robocap League - RoboCap League offers an engaging and innovative robotics competition designed for children aged 8-16. It provides a unique opportunity for kids worldwide to assess and showcase their robotics skills through the RoboCap Assessment Test (RCAT). Kids from more than 65+ countries participate in the RoboCap League.

Participants can earn RoboCaps and certificates, representing their proficiency levels. The structured learning journey, marked by clear milestones, enables children to track their progress and understand their standing in the competition. Kids can participate, build their robotics projects, and showcase them on the competition day held online. Expert judges will evaluate their projects and select winners from among all the participants based on creativity, innovation, and technical proficiency.

Criteria Details
Participants Children aged 8-16 are eligible to participate in the RoboCap League competition.
Registration The RoboCap League competition is open year-round, allowing participants to compete at their convenience.
Location Online competition accessible to students worldwide.
Prize Participants can earn certificates, and scholarships for further robotics education.
Website RoboCap League
Cost Free

3. VEX Robotics Competition - VEX Robotics offers engaging competitions for students from grades K-12, providing a platform for over 11,500 teams worldwide to showcase their STEM skills. Participants can choose from various challenges, including teamwork, solo robot skills, and STEM research projects. With separate events tailored for different age groups, students from grades 4-12 can participate in matches and contests.

By joining VEX Robotics competitions, students enhance their technical abilities and develop essential skills such as communication, collaboration, and time management. This competition plays a vital role in inspiring the next generation of STEM leaders, contributing to increased interest in STEM subjects and future STEM-related careers.

Criteria Details
Participants Students from elementary through collegiate levels, with a minimum age requirement of eight years old
Tournaments Held year-round at the regional, state, and national levels, culminating at the VEX Robotics World Championship each April
Grade 4 - 8 More than 8,500 teams from 45 countries playing in over 900 tournaments
Teamwork Challenge: Two teams working together to maximize their score
Robot Skills Challenge: One robot playing alone against the clock
STEM Research Project: Students use the scientific method to research and solve a challenge
Grade 6 - 12 More than 11,500 teams from 40 countries playing in over 750 tournaments
Standard Matches: Two alliances of two teams each playing against each other
Robot Skills Challenge: One robot playing alone against the clock
Online Challenges: Unique contests using CAD, animation, essays, and more
Fees Vex IQ - $375
Vex VRC - $675

4. FIRST: Tech Challenge - FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) is a leading robotics competition that welcomes teams of 7th to 12th-grade students, with up to 15 members each. Participants are tasked with designing, building, programming, and operating robots in head-to-head challenges. Guided by dedicated coaches and mentors, students not only enhance their STEM skills but also learn the values of teamwork, innovation, and perseverance.

Robocap League Competition For Kids
Criteria Details
Participants Students from grades 7-12, with up to 15 team members
Registration Season team registration fee: $295 for North American teams; varies for international teams
Prize Eligible for over $80 million in college scholarships
Website Official website

5. World Robot Olympiad -The World Robot Olympiad (WRO) is a prestigious global robotics competition established in 2004, attracting over 28,000 teams from more than 85 countries. It serves as a platform to nurture creativity and problem-solving skills in STEM among young participants.

With four categories - RoboMission, Future Innovators, RoboSports, and Future Engineers - tailored to specific age groups, the WRO offers diverse challenges. Teams engage in creating autonomous robots, presenting innovative robotics solutions, competing in sports games, and engineering real-world solutions. For comprehensive details and participation guidelines, visit the official WRO website.

Criteria Details
Eligibility Participants from various age groups (8-19 years)
Competition Format Global
Categories RoboMission, Future Innovators, RoboSports, Future Engineers
Challenges Autonomous mission completion, innovative project presentations, robot sports games, real-world engineering solutions
Website Official WRO website for detailed information and participation guidelines

Why should kids participate in robotics competitions?

  • Global Awareness: When kids participate in global robotics competitions and interact with students from different countries, they gain valuable experiences and perspectives. Meeting participants from around the world helps them think globally, broadening their horizons and fostering a sense of connection beyond geographical boundaries.
  • Boost in Confidence: Joining competitions can greatly boost kids' confidence and self-esteem. As they face challenges and work on their robot projects, they develop problem-solving skills, which leads to increased belief in themselves and their abilities. With each competition they join, their confidence grows.
  • Problem-Solving Enhancement: Robotics competitions are excellent for improving kids' problem-solving skills. Building robots and facing challenges require them to think of various solutions and find ways to tackle these challenges, thereby enhancing their problem-solving abilities.
  • Fun Learning Experience: Learning through robotics is not only educational but also incredibly enjoyable. Participating in robotics competitions and building real-life robots that can solve specific problems make learning robotics more engaging and exciting for kids.
  • Preparation for Future Careers: Learning robotics and participating in competitions help kids develop essential skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and motor skills. These skills are vital for future careers in technology and innovation, setting them up for promising career paths.

How to prepare for robotics competition?

  • Research about Robotics Competitions: Begin by thoroughly researching the specific robotics competition you're participating in. For example, if you're participating in the RoboCap League, a renowned online robotics competition for kids, explore resources such as YouTube to watch videos of previous competitions. By observing how students have built their projects for this competition, you'll gain valuable insights into the types of robots you'll need to build. This research will help you understand the competition's format, challenges, and expectations, enabling you to prepare effectively.
  • Understand the Problem Statement: Carefully read and comprehend the problem statement for the competition. Break it down into smaller components to grasp the intricacies. Ensure you have a solid understanding of the goals and requirements set by the competition.
  • Analyze Your Skills: Take a good look at what you're good at and what you need to work on for the competition. Make sure your skills match up with what the project requires. If there are things you need to get better at, focus on practicing those parts more.
  • Finalize Components Needed: List down all the components and materials required to build your robot. Ensure you have access to or acquire all the necessary hardware and software components well in advance. For example, if you're making a line-following robot, make sure you have all the necessary components like motors, sensors, microcontroller etc. Check that you have everything you need before you start building.
  • Gain Expertise in Using Components: Familiarize yourself with the components you'll be using. Practice assembling and disassembling them. Understand their functionalities and limitations. This hands-on experience will prove invaluable during the competition.
  • Prepare Your Model in Advance: Begin building and refining your robot or project well before the competition date. Regularly test and debug your model to identify and rectify any issues. This iterative process ensures that your creation is robust and functional.
  • Know All Debugging Methods: Equip yourself with a range of debugging techniques. Understand common issues that may arise during the competition and know how to troubleshoot them effectively. This skill is crucial for overcoming unexpected challenges. For example, at Playto Labs, where we teach robotics to kids aged 8-16, our trainers ensure students have access to the latest components and help them troubleshoot any issues with their robots, providing valuable support for robotics competitions.
  • Work on Your Presentation Skills: In many robotics competitions, effective communication is key. Work on presenting your project clearly and concisely. Practice explaining your design choices, functionalities, and problem-solving approaches. This will help you articulate your ideas during the competition.

By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared to tackle the challenges of the robotics competition.

How to answer questions from judges effectively during the robotics competition?

  • Prepare in Advance: Before the competition, think about the kinds of questions judges might ask and come up with clear, concise answers. Know about all the components you have used, their details, why they are used, and how they work. You can also seek help from your robotics mentors or trainers for mock interviews to prepare better.
  • Listen Carefully: Pay attention to what the judges are asking and respond thoughtfully. Give helpful answers that show what you've learned.
  • Prepare Thoroughly: Before the robotics competition, prepare thoroughly by knowing all aspects of your project. However, during the competition, if you're unsure of an answer, it's okay to admit it. Judges appreciate honesty.
  • Provide Examples and Evidence: Support your answers with examples or evidence from your project. This demonstrates your understanding. For instance, if you've built a line-following robot and the judges inquire about your choice of components, instead of simply stating the reasons, you can showcase the functionality in real-time. Explain how each component, such as the infrared sensors or the motor driver, contributes to the robot's ability to follow a line accurately. By demonstrating the robot's performance and explaining the role of each component, you provide concrete evidence of your understanding and decision-making process.

6 Tips for presenting and demonstrating the robot during the competition

  • Clear Introduction: Start with a clear and concise introduction. Clearly state the purpose of your robot and the problem it aims to solve. Provide a brief overview of its key features and functionalities.
  • Demonstrate Key Functions: During the presentation, focus on demonstrating the key functions of your robot. Showcase its capabilities by performing specific tasks or actions that highlight its design and functionality. Make sure to link these functions back to the competition's objectives.
  • Effective Communication: Communicate effectively by using simple and straightforward language. Avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse the audience & judge. Clearly articulate how your robot addresses the competition's challenges and why its design is innovative.
  • Highlight Innovative Features: Emphasize any innovative features or unique aspects of your robot. Explain how these features set your creation apart from others and contribute to solving real-world problems. Judges appreciate creativity and originality.
  • Problem-Solving Approach: Discuss the problem-solving approach you employed during the development of your robot. Explain the challenges you faced and how you overcame them. Judges are interested in understanding your thought process and problem-solving skills.
  • Practice and Timing: Practice your presentation multiple times to ensure a smooth delivery. Pay attention to the timing of each segment, making sure not to rush or exceed the allotted time. Practice in front of peers or mentors to receive constructive feedback.

By following these tips, you'll enhance your ability to effectively present and demonstrate your robot during the competition, leaving a lasting impression on the judges and audience.


In this article, we explored the top robotics competitions for kids, offering the best exposure for young minds. We delved into how to prepare for these competitions, discussed project preparation strategies, and provided insights on making the most of these valuable experiences.

Thank you for reading till the end! If you found this information valuable, consider sharing it with others who might be interested in participating in these enriching robotics competitions. Together, let's inspire and support the budding talents in the exciting world of robotics!

FAQ's about robotics competitions for kids

1. What is a robotics competition for kids?

Robotics competitions for kids are events where young enthusiasts design, build, and operate robots to accomplish specific tasks or challenges. These competitions provide a platform for children to apply their STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) knowledge in a practical and engaging way.

2. What age groups do these competitions cater to?

Typically, robotics competitions cater to a wide range of age groups, spanning from children as young as 8 to those up to 20 years old. Different competitions may have specific age categories to ensure fair and challenging participation.

3. Which Kit should I use to participate in Robotics Competitions?

The choice of a robotics kit depends on the competition and its requirements. Common kits include Playto Labs Kit, LEGO Mindstorms, VEX Robotics and Arduino-based kits. It's essential to review the competition guidelines to select the most suitable kit.

4. How can my child get started in robotics competitions?

To get started, your child can join online robotics classes for kids (because they regularly arrange such robotics competitions for kids), robotics clubs at school or in the community, attend workshops, join robotics summer camps and explore online resources. Many competitions also offer beginner-friendly categories to encourage participation.

5. What do kids do at a robotics competition?

At a robotics competition, kids get the chance to showcase their creativity and technical skills by building projects. The participants bring their inventions to life and compete against others in exciting challenges, demonstrating the unique functionalities of their robotic creations. It's a hands-on and thrilling experience where young minds turn ideas into innovative robots.

6. Are there any scholarships or rewards for winning these competitions?

Yes, winning teams in robotics competitions often receive certificates, cash awards, and recognition. Some competitions also offer scholarships and opportunities for skill development.

7. What equipment and materials are needed to participate?

The equipment and materials needed vary based on the competition category. Common elements include robotics kits and tools for building and programming.

8. How can I support and encourage my child's interest in robotics?

You can Support your child's interest in robotics by providing access to resources, encouraging participation in robotics clubs, attending competitions, and fostering a positive learning environment. Engage with their projects, celebrate achievements, and explore additional learning opportunities. You can explore more about in our blog - How to Teach Robotics to Kids.